Saturday, November 23, 2013

I've been busy...

Very busy.  With volunteering at my daughter's school four days a week and learning to drive and being a single mum, my week is always pretty full. I have to find the time for all my crochet projects where I can. On top of making daleks for people and pokemon, I'm also trying lots of new patterns.  The art teacher at Amber's school is more than happy to try out anything I make and give me feedback. I'm also making some smaller bits and pieces to donate to the Mother's Day stall next year. I love all the stuff I get to do and be a part of.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


The other night, I made a bookmark. It's quite a simple pattern, but it looks pretty awesome.
So yesterday morning, when I felt like making a phone cozy, I spent ages looking through Ravelry and all the blogs I frequent trying to find the perfect pattern. Alas, while they are all awesome, none of them gave me that ping of inspiration. So I decided to adapt the bookmark pattern...
So, part way through it looked like this:
and by the end, it looked like this...

Not my best piece of work, but, it did work, lol. The important thing is that it fits my phone, and it was a learning experience... I suck at hand sewing and zips, lol.
So the next one I make will be better.
Onto dalek #2 for my friend at the library...

Friday, November 15, 2013


Here is my Mew. Minus his eyes. I think he's gorgeous.  My brother is going to love him.  Just over 9.5 hours went into this little guy.  Loved every second of it. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Crochet Club Part 2

Well, 2 min in to our club yesterday a wet day timetable was called. So we had to pack it up. My poor girls were shattered.  On a bright note, I have 4 girls in my Tuesday group now. I'll have to make it up to them next week with an extra day.
On another note,  Mew is nearly done! Just have to make his tail now and sew him together. I can't wait to see him in one piece!!!
Off to get my little munchkin ready for school now so bye!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

flax & twine: Making Pompoms in Bulk

I love pom poms. Love them to bits! But I HATE making them. But this here is absolute GENIUS! And if you find the kids are getting in the way or getting frustrated while you are having fun with it, why not use a roll of bubble wrap, roll it out on the floor of the hallway tape it down and let them go nuts.

flax & twine: Making Pompoms in Bulk

My Crochet Club

At my daughter's school, I run a crochet club 2 lunchtimes a week. At first I was overwhelmed with the amount of kids wanting to learn. 23 boys and girls turned up on the first day. Now, after 4 weeks, my Monday group is down to 3 boys.  Today I'll find out how many girls I'll have.
It might sound a bit mean, but I'm SO glad that so many kids dropped out. I love teaching them, but I really found it hard with the larger groups. The boys have mastered the chain stitch (finally) and we are starting the single crochet stitch.
I was so surprised when I discovered my most devoted students were the boys. They turned up for week 2 telling me how they had dragged their mums down to Big W to pick a hook and wool to practice with at home. I also had a younger boy yesterday who joined in and nailed in one session, what I had been teaching the others for a month.
I'm excited about this group I'm running. I just hope the girls turn out to be as committed as the boys are. Wish me luck, my school day starts now!
Meghann :-)

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Mew is probably my all time favorite Pokemon. And when I figure out how to add links in my posts I'll direct you to Wolf Dreamer, a lovely lady who has THE MOST AWESOME pokemon patterns. 
Obviously I've chosen Mew as my project to break up the challenge that is the dalek.
It's quite easy so far, I've managed to do about a third of it already.  I'll post a pic or two in the morning of what I've done so far. But for now,  it's time to get ready for bed. I get up before the birds on school days so I need my beauty rest,  haha.
Nite peoples!
Meghann :-)

It's Done!!!

The first dalek is done!! 5 days... And it didn't take as long as the last one I made. I think it looks pretty good.
I might take a couple of days to work on something else before I start the yellow one...

Saturday, November 09, 2013

WIP... Dalek! Exterminate!!!

I'm really loving my current project.  A little while ago I made a dalek for a friend. I'm now making 2 more for another friend.  After 10 hours and 40 minutes I'm about halfway through the first one.
I love Doctor Who. I have daleks, weeping angels, and in my "stuff to get back to" pile, I've even got the 10th Doctor. Not to mention the ones I haven't tried yet.
Back on topic. This takes ages to make, so between this one and the second one, there will be plenty of progress pics.
(I'm on r43 of 54 for the body.)

Blog post number 1!! Yay for Me!!

Welcome to my blog! 
I'm new at all this, but thought I'd give it a go. Here is where I'll talk about all the awesome things I'm making from patterns I've found all over the net, and anything else I feel like talking about. 
But before I start rambling on about all the random things I think about, here is a pic of my favourite crochet piece so far. 
This little dude took around 40 hours to make. I love Stitch, and plan on making Lilo as well. The hardest part of this pattern had to be attaching all the fingers and toes. I've even considered making a version of Stitch with the extra arms :) 

I love crochet. I started learning the basic granny squares as a child. My mother and grandmother very patiently taught me how to do the stitches. But I taught myself how to read patterns when I started making amigurumi toys.
Now I spend every spare moment I have searching for things to make and of course, making them. 
Finding time to do the making is hard. I volunteer four days a week at my daughter's school as a qualified teachers aide, and two of those days include spending my lunch time teaching some of the older kids how to crochet. I have a group of boys, who are so committed to learning that they have gotten their own hooks and wool so that they can practise at home!! They are much more committed that my second group that is mostly girls. It's been a learning experience for me as well. I love being able to pass on the things I've learnt to the next generation. 
I plan on teaching my daughter (who is currently 8 and a half) how to crochet over the coming Christmas holidays. Surely the six week break (Yay for Australian summer!) should be long enough for her to pick it up...
See what I mean by rambling on? So, if you think you can keep up with my quick shifts in thought processes, feel free to follow me... (and then Uncle Kracker's Follow Me pops into my head... gotta get that song again)