Saturday, November 09, 2013

Blog post number 1!! Yay for Me!!

Welcome to my blog! 
I'm new at all this, but thought I'd give it a go. Here is where I'll talk about all the awesome things I'm making from patterns I've found all over the net, and anything else I feel like talking about. 
But before I start rambling on about all the random things I think about, here is a pic of my favourite crochet piece so far. 
This little dude took around 40 hours to make. I love Stitch, and plan on making Lilo as well. The hardest part of this pattern had to be attaching all the fingers and toes. I've even considered making a version of Stitch with the extra arms :) 

I love crochet. I started learning the basic granny squares as a child. My mother and grandmother very patiently taught me how to do the stitches. But I taught myself how to read patterns when I started making amigurumi toys.
Now I spend every spare moment I have searching for things to make and of course, making them. 
Finding time to do the making is hard. I volunteer four days a week at my daughter's school as a qualified teachers aide, and two of those days include spending my lunch time teaching some of the older kids how to crochet. I have a group of boys, who are so committed to learning that they have gotten their own hooks and wool so that they can practise at home!! They are much more committed that my second group that is mostly girls. It's been a learning experience for me as well. I love being able to pass on the things I've learnt to the next generation. 
I plan on teaching my daughter (who is currently 8 and a half) how to crochet over the coming Christmas holidays. Surely the six week break (Yay for Australian summer!) should be long enough for her to pick it up...
See what I mean by rambling on? So, if you think you can keep up with my quick shifts in thought processes, feel free to follow me... (and then Uncle Kracker's Follow Me pops into my head... gotta get that song again)


  1. Welcome to the blogging world Meghann. Looking forward to seeing the wonderful things you create. :D
